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Special PreVac Sale


Expecting 1500+ head

*Majority of consignments are of excellent quality and out of reputation herds*

*Great Opportunity to purchase multiple loads of FANCY 500lbs-700lbs preconditioned feeders*

FRS Program Qualifications:

FRS LVL 1—One round of killed or modified live, IBR, Pasturella, Blackleg and Somnus; Weaned or off the cow

FRS LVL 2—2 complete rounds (at least one modified live); weaned 45+ days


WVS Program Qualifications:

2 rounds modified live, IBR, Pasturella, Blackleg and Somnus; Weaned 45+ days


Purina Program Qualifications:

2 rounds of Modified Live and blackleg; 45+ days weaned



114hd Blk Backgrounded *FANCY* steers weighing 600lbs-650lbs WVS Program

85hd Blk Mostly Steers weighing 550lbs-700lbs WVS Program

75hd Mostly Blk *FANCY* S&H weighing 500lbs-650lbs 2 Complete Rounds Weaned 90+ days

75hd Blk S&H weighing 500lbs-700lbs WVS Program

75hd Mixed Backgrounded S&H weighing 500lbs-700lbs 2 Complete Rounds Weaned 120+ days

65hd Blk *FANCY*S&H weighing 500lbs-650lbs WVS Program *EXPRESS RANCH GENETICS*

60hd Mostly Blk Backgrounded Heifers weighing 600lbs-650lbs FRS Level 1

54hd Blk S&H weighing 475lbs-600lbs FRS Level 2

53hd Blk S&H weighing 500lbs-650lbs FRS Level 2

45hd Mixed Backgrounded Heifers weighing 550lbs-575lbs FRS Level 1

40hd Blk S&H weighing 500lbs-650lbs One round on the cow

32hd Blk Mostly Steers weighing 550lbs-650lbs FRS Level 2

30hd Red Angus x Charolais S&H weighing 550lbs-650lbs Purina Program

30hd Mix S&H weighing 550lbs-750lbs 2 complete Rounds Weaned 90+ days

30hd Blk S&H weighing 500lbs-650lbs FRS Level 2

25hd Blk Steers weighing 500lbs-600lbs WVS Program

25hd Mostly Blk S&H weighing 650lbs-750lbs FRS Level 2

25hd Red Angus x Charolais S&H weighing 550lbs-650lbs Purina Program

20hd Blk Heifers weighing 550lbs-650lbs 2 Complete Rounds Weaned 30 days **REPLACEMENT QUALITY WITH OUTSTANDING GENETICS**

20hd Blk S&H weighing 500lbs-600lbs FRS Level 2

14hd Hereford Heifers weighing 800lbs-1000lbs *REPLACEMENT QUALITY READY FOR THE BULL*

10hd Blk S&H weighing 500lbs-625lbs 2 complete rounds Weaned 45+ days

May 26

Regular Cattle Sale

June 9

Regular Cattle Sale