Angus Bulls/Females from Turner Farms, Belgrade, MO 573-766-5361/573-210-1216
Charolais Bulls/Females from Abbott Farms, Williamsville, MO 573-785-2789
Simmental Bulls from Huitt Farms, Bismarck, MO 573-366-8323
All bulls will be semen tested before the sale
Selling from the Greg Tharp Farm—8 Registered Black Angus 18 Month Old Bulls
-Exceptional genetics from a Thomas Angus Ranch Cooperative Herd
-4 bulls will be Show Me Select Qualified
-Will be semen and trich tested before sale
Selling from the Lynn March Farm—1 Registered Black Angus Bull
-Own son of Gardener Angus Method bull
-Will be semen and trich tested before sale
Selling from the Marcus McDaniel Farm—1 Registered Polled Hereford Bull
Selling from the George Pizzo Jr Farm—2y/o Registered Polled Hereford Bull, 14 mo/old Char X Bull
Selling from Bass Farms—30hd Black/BWF/RWF Open Heifers **FANCY**
-Will be pelvic measured and tract scored before sale
-Weighing 700lbs-900lbs
Selling from the John Cunningham Farm—40hd Cows, 1 Black Angus Bull *HERD DISPERSAL*
-3 years to SS
-Bred to exceptional black Angus bull
-Cows are black Angus or black Simmental
-Approximately 15 sell with fall born calves at side, rest 3rd stage
Selling from the Vernon Pogue Farm—37 Cows *HERD DISPERSAL*
-24hd Hereford Cows from 2 years to SS; Rest mostly black
-17hd sell with fall born calves at side; Rest 3rd stage
-All bred back to black Angus bull
Selling from the Dirickson Farm—21 Cows, 1 Bull *HERD DISPERSAL*
-Few sell with Spring born calves at side; Rest 3rd stage
-Bred to black Angus bull
Selling from the Kevin Friedrich Farm—1 Registered Angus Bull, 1 Registered Pair, 3 Bred Cows
-3 year old bull AI sired
-Registered cow AI sired with BWF calf on side
- 3 Blk/RWF cows bred in 2nd-3rd stage
Selling from the Dennis Hemmann Farm—57 Cows **HERD DISPERAL**
-3 years to SS
-Bred in the 2nd-3rd stage
-Will begin calving May 1st
-Bred to exceptional Black Angus bulls
Selling from Huber Family Angus—15 Cows/Pairs, 1 Registered Angus Bull **HERD REDUCTION**
-Few pairs in offering, rest bred in the 2nd-3rd stage
-4 year old Registered Black Angus bull with SAV genetics