Special Cow Sale
Angus Bulls from Turner Farms, Belgrade, MO 573-766-5361/573-210-1216
Charolais Bulls/Females from Abbott Farms, Williamsville, MO 573-785-2789
All bulls will be semen tested before the sale.
Selling from the Floyd Ferrell Farm—Three Red Angus Bulls
-2yr/3yr/6yr old bulls
-Bred for carcass quality and growth
-Two bulls are safe to use on heifers
-All will be semen tested before sale
Selling from Korsmeyer Farms—90hd Bred Black/BWF/Red Angus Heifers
-Heifers will be checked with all vaccinations and in the 2nd and 3rd stages
-Due to start calving November 15, 2020
-Bred to Registered Black Angus calving ease bulls—sons of SydGen Forward 1568, Hoover Dam, G A R Advance, Deer Valley All In, BBA Man Date 230, and G A R Progress
-These heifers will avg 1100lbs with a great disposition
-Please call Dean Korsmeyer at (618)972-8690 with any questions
Selling from Gilmore Livestock—40hd Home Raised Bred Heifers
-Fancy, Commercial black angus heifers
-Bred to low birthweight Black Angus bulls
-Weighing 950lbs-1100lbs
-Bred in the 2nd-3rd stage
Selling from KCC Klein Farms—15 Open Heifers
-Fancy, Commercial black Angus heifers
-Pelvic measured and tract scored
-Guaranteed open, weighing ~900+lbs
Selling from the Terry Barbee Farm—42hd Cows, 30+ with calves **REPUTATION HERD DISPERSAL**
-30+ pairs in offering
-4 years to 7 years old
-All fancy commercial Angus cows
Selling from Kings Farm—21 Cows, 18 Calves, 1 Bull
-Mostly 5 years to 6 years with some SS
-Black and BWF cows
-Bull has been running back with cows since August
Selling from Schallberger Land & Cattle—22 Cows **REPUTATION SPRING HERD DISPERSAL**
-Fancy, all black cows bred in the 2nd stage
-3 years to 5 years old
Selling from the Nicky Turnbough Farm—25hd Cows
-Longhorn cows; 10 Longhorn/Angus cross cows
-A few pairs, rest 2nd-3rd stage
Selling from the Jeremy Armes Farm—8hd Cows
-Mostly Charolais cows with one Red Angus in the offering
-Bred in the 2nd stage to a Registered Charolais bull
-3 years to 7 years old
Selling from Mayer Farms—35hd Cows, Mostly Pairs **Dispersal**
-All black/BWF
-4 years to SS
-Calves at side from 150lbs to 300lbs
Various other consignments pending—Contact us to consign cows for advertising.