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Special Cow Sale

Selling From Korsmeyer Farms-18 Bred Heifers

-Heifers will be checked with all vaccinations and in the 2nd and 3rd stages

-Due to start calving March 1st, 2022

-Bred to Registered Black Angus calving ease bulls—sons of SydGen Forward 1568, Hoover Dam, G A R Advance, Deer Valley

All In, BBA Man Date 230, and G A R Progress

-These heifers will avg 1100lbs with a great disposition

-Please call Dean Korsmeyer at (618)972-8690 with any questions

Selling from Wood Land & Cattle—10 Bred Heifers

-Char x Angus x Hereford Bred Heifers pelvic measured and bred to low birthweight calving ease bulls

-Bred in the 1st-2nd stage

Selling from Ozark Cattle Company (Cody Brinley)—90 Cows, 3 Bulls **COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL**

-All black commercial cows

-40 with fall born calves on side

-Rest sell as 2nd-3rd stage

-All bred to Black Angus bulls

**Seller’s Note: 50% of the cows were purchased as bred heifers in Spring 2018

Selling from the Justin Sadler Farm—65hd Cows, 1 Bull **COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL**

-All commercial black Angus cows

-3 years to SS

-15 sell with fall calves at side, rest will be 3rd stage

-Bred to Black Angus bulls

**Seller’s Note: Cows have not been sorted, all cows on this farm are selling and are to be replaced with heifers so

everything must go.

Selling from the David Kearbey Farm—25hd Cows **Farm Sellout**

-50% Black Angus, 50% Red Angus cows

-6 sell as pairs, rest will be 3rd stage

-Bred to black Angus bulls

Selling from the Mark Retherford Farm—20hd Bred Cows **SPRING HERD DISPERSAL**

-Cows will be purebred Charolais, purebred Red Angus or Char X Red Angus cross

-Due to calve March-April

-4 years to SS

Selling from Kenny Basler Farms—12 pairs, 4 Bulls

-Black Angus commercial pairs bred back to Black Angus bulls with 300# calves at side

-3 to 5 years old

-1 purebred Black Angus bull and 3 Balancer Bulls all 18-20 months of age

Selling from the Russell Basler Trust—3 Pairs, 2 Cows

-Pairs are 3 years old, bred cows 6 to 7 years

-Bred to Black Angus Bulls

February 9

Regular Cattle Sale

February 16

Special PreVac Sale